Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Life in New Apartment

I moved again.
All I can say now is "NO MORE MOVING" least for a while.

I was asking my friend to help me, but I ended up doing it all by myself.
Ladies, Do not trust guys who easily say "yeah I got you, I got you baby!" (hehe...I don't blame my African friend from MN

It was seriously A LOT OF work, and I hurt my legs and
Pack everything back, took them to downstairs from 3rd floor, carried them to the cab...

OK, I used a cab, but the driver was an asshole and charged me extra $15 for his pocket just because I had so much stuff. Wait a min....I carried my stuff without his help, so why the hell was he charging me for it? I didn't get it but didn't wanna argue either.

There were snow pile in front of the apartment and couldn't park, so he stopped his car at the corner and threw my stuff on the street. I kindly asked him if he could watch them when I make my first trip since there was no way I could carry everything at once. I even offered extra tip, but he turned me down and said NO.

So here I am with a pile of stuff on the street corner where many people walking by.
I was pissed and miserable.
What am I suppose to do? I can't either carry everything nor make several trips.

There were two old Mexican guys standing and chatting. I quickly made my decision. I couldn't really trust them but asked them if they could watch my stuff while I carry some of them. They told me that's not a problem.
So I took some of them and hurried to my new apartment. When I was about to go back to the corner, I saw those two men carrying my shit!!!!!!! Those were fucking heavy!!! I was like...oh noooooooooo!!!!

They were extra kind and nice...I told them not to carry, but they did it with smile.

" don't worry honey, we got you."

I should have gave them tips or something, but I didn't have any money with me and told them how much I appreciate it. They didn't seem to care and totally saved my day! Gracias...

Alone again. There's always this weird feeling when I move to a new place.
My roommates seem nice, but I feel like I'm in somewhere I don't even know.
I gotta love this more moving please...

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