Friday, March 19, 2010

My Favorite Things

The weather is getting nicer here. People seems happier than ever.
I hope this weather will continue....can't wait for summer.

Summer is my absolute favorite season.

(Pic: clear blue ocean by Ocho Rios in Jamaica)

I love things that have nice smells; candles, incenses, aroma oil, body lotion, well and food of course. lol
I tend to be "chop chop chop" in my daily life. What it means that I tend to be too busy or too tense. My body always tell me "hey you need to stop. you need your yuki time!"
So whenever my body tells me, I try to have good 1 or 2 hours of relaxation.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Can't sleep after all

It's midnight.
I am so awake, and I don't know how to sleep.

Well...I'm here with my precious girl in my room, in New York.
She felt asleep a while ago.
I didn't expect this guest tonight at all.
I missed her more than anybody since I left my apartment in MN.
She just came back from Italy, and she missed the connecting flight due to the weather.

I somehow knew something would happen, so I sent her a text this moring; "Call me when you get to the U.S.".
So she did, and she said "I'm stuck in the airport until tomorrow....."

I was doing my laundry when I got a phone call, but I immediately went back home and grabbed my metro card and off I went.

I was damn ON TIME. Holy cow it was amazing! The bus arrived at the bus stop right after I got there. My girl was the first person who got off the bus, and I screamed her name; "Meeeeeeeeghaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed, and the bus driver was cheering us as
It was an unfortunate situation for her, but after all we were so glad to meet again.

I'm so glad I can always be there for someone. I literally thought I could die for her for a second. Well I wouldn't kill myself, but I know I do care about someone like her. It's not easy to meet the right people from millions of choices, but I am very lucky to have such beautiful people in my life, and I cannot say enough thank to them. Thanks to my family, thanks to my friends in Japan, thanks to my Cameroonian and Brazilian brother and sister, thanks to my American mom and dad.....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Things that interest me

- Using a subway after 2am is always interesting.
I know it's not very safe, but I do pretty much everyday since I work late.
Almost everyday, I see something extraordinary on the subway. People are NUTS!!!!!
Some guy thinks the subway after 2am is his bedroom, so he takes off his shoes and lays on the seat and snores.
The other time the subway door didn't open for a long time when I was about to get off, and I was wondering why. I saw more than 10 cops running towards the subway, and they went in the train right next to mine. Apparently there was a wasted guy with a gun or some sorts, and they caught him. I could have been sitting right next to him! scary.

- People actually throw eggs at people.
Yes. I would never known that would be me until now.
Now even one egg. Some assholes threw more than 50 eggs from 9th floor across the street, and think about it. It could cause serious injures, and cops didn't take it serious since nobody needed an ambulance! What the fuck is going on, people? Eat your fucking eggs!

- Only word my landlord knows is "money".
I thought this is freaking hilarious. I like him.

- There are guys who pretend to be a gay.
I can't never tell if he's a real gay or "pretend to be" a gay. There are so many out here. I kissed him since I thought he was a gay, but he wasn't! Whaaat!? Take it back dude!

- People like my forehead.
I didn't know I have a decent forehead. I got this compliment so many times since I moved here. So weird.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Passion for Food

99.9% of people would say "yeah I like food!". They should be since our appetite is our basic nature as a human being.

But I know myself, I LOVE FOOD. This love is bigger than wanting a man.
I love to smell, cook, eat, feel, everything. I just can't say enough how much I love food.

I have to appreciate my parents who forced me to cook when I was little, especially my dad always told my mom that I needed to be in a kitchen and let me do as much as I could. By the time I was in a middle school, I cooked dinners for my family at least one a week. I didn't hate it much, but only thing I hated was to come home for making "dashi" for a miso soup and preparing a rice every single day. Whenever I was at my friend's place I had to say "oh it's time to go home and make "dashi" for dinner. See you tomorrow!". Seriously who does that? I was fucking 13 or 14!lol

Anyways...I cook pretty much everyday. My dishes are not fancy since I'm broke!lol I try to make something out of low budgets...but use as much fresh ingredients as possible.

When I was taking a yoga class, my teacher told us about the impact of what we eat.
Your body reflects what you put in your body 6 years ago. (10 yours maybe? I'm sorry I can't remember...)
A lot of people care about what they eat just because they want to lose some pounds for a date next week or whatever the reason. Moreover, many girls go to a gym and say "yea I need to run since I ate too much last night." We need to think about long term perspectives rather than losing pounds just for a date. Because what you eat now is what you will be in 6 years.

The more the food is alive/fresh, the more you get energy out of it, she said. For instance, you get more energy from tomatoes that have just picked from the garden than buying a canned whole tomatoes. I'm not talking about nutrition, but the energy you get from something alive. It's not something you don't know, but it's such a good feeling just to be conscious then you will make a better decision of what you put in your body. You don't wanna eat something "dead" do you?

So I had rice and beans, chicken curry, and plantains (agian!?) tonight. Oh men is there any better food than plantains? seriously! I get anxious when I don't have plantains at home!