Saturday, January 23, 2010

Decision Making

Sometimes you can't be sure if your decision is right.
Life is all about decision making. Everyday somehow you are making decisions such as whether you wear a red shoes or black shoes for your date.

You would never known if the guy happened to dislike red shiny shoes that you thought it would be perfect. The scary part is not knowing about this fact since the guy never told you. Shit like this happens all the time.

...By the way this example was terribly bad one.

I'm facing a lot of hustles right now, and I start doubting "am I making right decisions?"
I usually feel pretty confident about what I do even though it's scary sometimes.
There is nobody who can tell me "you are going to the wrong direction, turn around, missy", so I really don't know if I'm going to the opposite way. I just have to keep walking, otherwise I would never known if I'm really going to the wrong way or right way. or maybe there's no wrong or right.

So I'm walking by myself. slowly but surely.
It's not so much fun compared to a comfy ride with my hommies.
I miss them so much.
I miss my comfy ride.
I miss everything I had.
But this is the only place I say it.
I can't even say it loud.
Be strong. I can do it.

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